Monday 21 October 2013

Hot Tips When Considering To Buy A Bengal Cat;

Well...It costs me almost 10k in order to finally learn these bitter experiences. You guys … do not follow my same foot print. It’s very frustrating. There are a lot of conman around. But 10k is  still consider  “ok “ if I were to compare with other seniors who lost hundred thousands during their beginning time(old bad days). If you read these, you may come to realize them, perhaps you u don’t “feel “it.
You are lucky…because you may lean this within a minute...

1) Buy only Purely Bengal breed.
Thus, purchasing should be accompanied with birth cert @ pedigree. (Not a promise….but proven track record).Why?  because you cannot trust people only by their words… any body can easily say;” my Bengal is purely breed one...”The trust is by evidence, the birth cert…yes the birth cert. Birth cert is only produced by TICA world wide. Well you may insist to sign a contract with the breeder to secure your money. If the cert is not delivered by 1 months…return the cat.. .its money back guaranty.  Pure Bengal means quality Bengal. Why this is an extremely important..? Please read the following article…and the other sections of this blog. BTW you are not going to keep 10 Bengals at home as pet aren’t you?

2) Do not buy Bengal without vaccination (+card).
If one sells to you a cat and said “I have already vaccinated her...” that means he is a conman unless he can provide u the real time vaccination card. And the vaccination card must have clinic chop on it. The earliest Vaccination can only be carried out on month 2 & 3 (booster) of age. The litter should received vaccination twice before handing over to you. Vaccination Course you at least RM 25 per jab, x2 for first two vaccines is already RM50...Its still amount of money anyway.

3) Do not buy the mixed breed.
Cause the mixed breed /cross breed are prone to suffer from acquired and genetic illness and short live. I have this experience during my early days. My mixed breed litters died one by one as they grew up… for unknown reason..

4) Do not buy Bengal below age of three months.
Because the litter is immature enough for independent and yet still breast feeding, the true pattern of the rosette has not fully developed. Furthermore the vaccines schedules are still incomplete. If one sell their Bengal below three months old and claimed vaccinated…he is the conman!

5) Do not buy beautiful Bengal at cheap prize.
Quality product always comes with a good prize. It’s just buying a BMW latest 6 series model (M sport)’s not comparable with Mazda R8 ….or Proton Perdana…ha...ha...Study the prizes or ask seniors for consultation.  Some of the quality Bengal is sold cheap as a pet only, but they are all sterilized (neutered). Careful …beautiful Bengal at cheap prize often come out on internet…this is one of the most effective Scammer‘s technique to attract innocent Bengal fans.

6) Do not deal with “non professional “ breeders.
Some of the breeders are stingy and very secretive. They   will not allow you to see their cattery set up. You only can do the transaction at front door…haa...haaa... They are trying to hide something fishy. You better get rid of them. They are obviously a non truth-worthy person and irresponsible... I have been victimized and spotted few of them...if you want to know who are these me at any  time.

Sunday 20 October 2013

Hot Tips When Considering Buying A Bengal Cat;(Continue...)

7) Do not simply buy online except proven breeder.

Some scammers are very good at advertising and convincing you. You may not smell them until toward the end of transaction. Some of the scammer even more creative creating a supporting (but fake) international animal transport agency but look real and “professional”.

8) Do not easily believe when breeder says …”these litter all fine and healthy...”
Check for tick and fleas within the furs, is the eye watery? fungal infection on the skin? tick over the ear lobe? Impacted wax in the Inner ear? and the general hygiene.  
9) Do not simply believe the recommended meal by the breeder.
This will bring a lot of headache if you notice your Bengal not eating well as expected. Some of Bengal is only familiar with chicken as its daily meal and refuse to eat pallets. The breeder wants to get rid them fast as it’s too taxing to keep them. I suggest you witness yourself that the Bengal is eating the pallet before purchasing...Or the money back guaranty.
10) Do not simply land your money first.

Do not lands deposit money for booking unless you are sure the Bengal quality. Some breeders are good at quakering   in order to let their litters sold out. Deposit is usually only 25% of the total prize. This must follow a piece of contact to sign in and the receipt. If the breeders still want to manipulate you later you may consider giving big blow to him…
11) Get the different pattern/type and background colour when considering buying another one.

12) Do not buy Bengal with same blood line...check with the pedigree.

13) Do not buy the “wild” Bengal.

Wild means the Bengal is not tame enough and non friendly upon encounter. They are usually hot tempered, fears and don’t like being touched. This means the breeder has ignored this litter without training. You will get headache to train this “established wild “Bengal and it will take long way to shape.
14) Do not buy poor quality Bengal
Poor quality Bengal eats as much as the quality one...why you waste your time, energy and money for the jerky one. You will never satisfy because you will keep comparing with your colleges who have better quality Bengal. Quality come with the prize...but its ok for those who passionate in Bengal. Please find the article on criteria for quality Bengal.
15) Do not commit with illegal or non ethical birth cert registration.
Some of breeder may illegally offer to register birth cert for your litter that did not have certified parent. Illegal means he will empirically register the fake name of dam and sire into the birth cert. some of the dam or sire has already dead for years. This joker will brutally charge you for few hundreds or thousands for this registration process. He thinks he is good at cheating but actual fact everybody knows that he is bloody cheater. TICA has the ability to identify them and black list them from transaction with this organization.
16) Do not buy any Bengal without any written agreement.

Make it legal. It is expensive item… Its suppose a money back guarantee transaction.

There are many hanky panky “breeders” around. Not to say the scammer…it’s easy to smell the scammer cause they talk like niger (Abang Hitam)...haaa...haaa. Some scammers are very” professional “you don’t even have small suspicious at the beginning…But u only realize later along the way of transaction.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Criteria For Quality Bengal

Good criteria for quality Bengal:

So prize offered varies based on the following criteria.   In reality its hard to find Bengal who meet all these criteria. In most of the rosettes pattern plays the most important criteria.
  • The spot pattern/rosettes; i.e. donute rosettes is more valuable than arrow head or pawn print.
  • Absence of  bearing (bearing free).
  • The body; the bigger and longer (2 type of Bengal accordingly to size).
  • Long elongated face, nose and jaw.
  • Eyes setting are at the side way rather than on same facial plain.
  • Long and bigger tail.
  • Small ears (wild look).
  • Friendly and playful.
  • Proven stud or queen (productive).
  • Full medical check up i.e. Piruvate kinase deficiency (PDF) and heart disease screening.
  • Regular deworming and vaccination.
  • Smooth shiny silky furs.
  • Prominent rosette with clear background or high contrast.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Know The Rosettes Pattern

There is a great range of shapes of  two-toned spot markings called "rosettes". Rosettes can be described as being of four major types ; Arrow, PawprintDonuts and Cloud in addition to single spots.A  cat may have some of each type of rosette or the markings may be more uniform.

 1) Arrow Rosettes

2) Pawprint Rosettes

3) Donut Rosettes

4) Cloud Rosettes

Rosettes make the Bengals pattern different 
from all other spotted domestic cat patterns

beige-black arrow & donut rosettes

blue rosettes

dark beige-brown arrow rosettes with patina

dark beige-mixed brown rosettes

dark gold-donut rosettes

dark sorrel-donut rosettes

gold-arrow rosettes with patina

light gold-black donut rosettes

rusty gold-small cloud rosettes

seal sepia - donut rosettes

sorrel-pawprint rosettes

The Unique Of Bengal Cat

Bengal cats are excellent feline companions and domestic cats that are great for active families. The Bengal cat’s personality is not only tame but also unique with some dog like qualities. So for families that want active pet but don’t want all the hassle associated with dogs, such as daily walks, a Bengal cat is a great pet to have. Also it is great for families that want a very unique and special cat that has a look of a wild animal on the outside but a loving and tender personality on the inside.

Are they wild?

Bengal cats that are available for sale to general public are fully domesticated cats because they are four generations removed from their wild ancestors. Basically what’s that means is that the wild Asian Leopard Cat is a great-great-grandad or grandma of an ordinary Bengal cat. Only the fourth generation or F4 is considered a domestic cat by such cat associations as TICA. Although you can buy F1, F2, F3 Bengal cats and even an Asian Leopard Cat they are all intended for breeding purposes and require special equipment and facilities to keep them. So don’t worry if you plan to purchase a Bengal cat they have a tame temperament just like any other domestic cat.

What are they like with kids?

Bengals are devoted family members and have a tender personality. They love your attention and are perfectly safe with kids. The only word of advice is that the Bengals are very active and dynamic cats and are not lap cats. So it is important to teach your kids not to restrict the cat’s freedom. They will follow your family members around and will be present where the fun is. That’s why they are great with kids because children always are up to something and the Bengal cat will love to play with kids.

Devoted members of the family

Bengal cats develop an affinity to family members and require a lot of attention. This is important to understand and you must return this affinity to them. A lot of Bengals love to talk. They meow, chirp and yowl. So you can even talk to them and they will happily respond to you. They really love to spend their time with their families. In this sense they are very unique when compared to other cats, which are often aloof and independent. In fact Bengals are very similar to dogs in this character trait.

Confident and curious

Bengals have an inborn curiosity. They are avid explorers. This is an important character and personality trait they have. This is due to the intelligence this breed possesses. That’s why Bengals are easy to train and there are lots of tricks you can teach them. Another aspect of their personality that is a direct result of their intelligence and curiosity is that they are very confident. If they want something they will get it. So don’t worry when some jars break or cupboards open it is your Bengal searching for its favorite toy or a treat that you have hidden away.

Active and Dynamic

I have already mentioned that Bengals are very dynamic and active cats. They are always running around, chasing, leaping, catching and so on. I guess this is the only wild part left in their personality. However they can also be affectionate and cuddly. But that’s rare. It is a cat that is always ready for adventure and will always be around when something happens. Again this character trait is very similar to dogs and there are many dog-like things in Bengal cats’ behavior. For example they are active, they follow you around, they can learn tricks, they are always happy to see you, and so on. So I can even claim that Bengal cat is a dog lovers’ cat.

Water affinity

Often Bengals have an affinity for water. It is a very common trait of the Bengal cat personality, which is a direct result of their wild ancestry. They are attracted by running water and will not be afraid to get into the water in order to investigate its source. So that’s why Bengals can jump into the showers or bath, jump up to inspect the water running in the kitchen sink and sometimes even play with the toilet water. They also get sometimes pretty messy with the drinking bowel or drinking fountain.

Sunday 7 April 2013

The Best Diet For a Bengal Cat

Cats normally attain their moisture from their food and not so much from actually drinking instinctively so eating a purely dry food diet deprives them of this therefore it’s good for all cats to get a balanced diet of both dry and wet food. A premium food (like the kind you get from a Pet Store and not the grocery store), although more expensive does offer better ingredients and is a healthier option. Like the commercials on TV things like gluttons and meat by-products rank high up in the list of ingredients it’s probably not a great product to feed your cats, liken it to feeding them McDonald’s every night.

When entering the world of premium cat food you will come across multiple brands but also food for indoor cats, over weight cats, senior cats, kittens, hairball control, improve skin and coat and on and on.  A little research goes a long way to choosing what will work best for your cat, as well if you have to consider other cats in addition to your Bengal.

You don’t need to feed your Bengal a crazy diet, but you do need to be sure you choose a good healthy brand of food and give them a both wet and dry food.

Protecting Your Bengal From Loss

Keep your Bengal indoors. This keeps it safe from traffic and getting lost.

  • Keep an identity tag on the collar, with your phone number and area code. The area code is very important, as animal rescue centres will only try the number you have written on the tag. Don't put your name or the cat's name on the tag.

  • Microchip your pet. This is painless, and very effective. Ask your vet for details.

  • Keep open windows netted. Bengals, like any cats, are great escape artists.

  • Keep your Bengal in a travelling cage when travelling. Keep him faced away from onlookers; no cat likes to be stared at.

  • Teach your Bengal to come to its name.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Introduction To The Bengal


 The Bengal is a relatively new breed of cat which was first bred in the U.S.A and was originally created by crossing an Asian Leopard Cat with a domestic cat. The domestic Bengal derives its name from the Latin name of its wild ancestor, Felis Bengalensis (Asian Leopard Cat). Whilst the domestic Bengal is similar in appearance to the Asian Leopard cat, and its genetic makeup contains a contribution from that wild cat species, its temperament however is purely domestic. The goal in developing the domestic Bengal cat breed was to preserve a strong physical resemblance to its beautiful wild ancestor and at the same time the new domestic breed was designed to be a pleasant and trustworthy family companion. Therefore, the conformation of the Bengal is definitely reminiscent of its ancestors. The Bengal is a large, sleek and very muscular cat with its hind-quarters slightly higher than its shoulders with a thick tail that is carried low. The Bengal should be alert and affectionate and its wild appearance is enhanced by its distinctive spotted or marbled coat. The different coat patterns are either leopard spotted or marbled, on a background colour of brown, or sometimes white.There is no other breed of cat which displays the gold or pearl dusting effect (glitter) of the Bengal. Its pelt has a rich smooth feel of satin or silk. Even the voice of the Bengal is different from that of other domestic cats. They can coo and chirp, and like to jump and somersault. They also love to play with water. To sum up, the Bengal is self-assured, affectionate and playful, with the stunning looks of its wild ancestor.